Hi, guys! This week we reached 10,000 likes on Facebook! This is very exciting for us and more importantly, exciting for you! This week we are doing a really great giveaway. We will give one lucky winner a PhoneSoap, a Patch, and a Polish! This is a $95.00 value and you’ll get it all for free! Please try to contain your excitement, we barely can contain ours. All you must do is follow and like us on Facebook and SHARE our giveaway post. That’s it! We will announce the winner this Friday evening! Good luck my friends!
Not familiar with our products? The PhoneSoap 3 is a smartphone sanitizer that utilizes UVC light to kill 99.99% of germs and bacteria living on the surface of your phone (gross!). The average smartphone is about 18x dirtier than a public restroom. Think about it - you wash your hands regularly, but you don't typically clean your phone as much. With how often our hands are on our phones every day, they deserve the same attention. Otherwise, you're just transferring the bacteria on your phone back onto your hands. After one cycle in the PhoneSoap 3, your phone will come out squeaky clean, but it will still LOOK dirty (fingerprints, smudges, etc.) which why we have the PhoneSoap Polish and the PhoneSoap Patch, both of which act as screen cleaners. In using all three of these products, your phone will stay looking like new AND it will no longer be harmful to your health. It's a no-brainer!