How to Disinfect Phones
What’s the one thing you carry around with you at all times? It goes with you to school, work, in the car, and even into the bathroom. You use it to communicate, play games, watch shows, create art, and pass time.
Oh, and it has 18x more bacteria on it than what’s found in a public restroom.
That’s right. Your cell phone—that beloved device you probably spent several hundred dollars on—is covered in disgusting and harmful bacteria. But don’t worry, we can help solve that problem.
Why should you disinfect your phone?
Every single thing we touch (gas pumps, doorknobs, toilet seats, food, and other people) transfers directly to our cell phones. We may wash our hands, but we rarely wash our phones. Instead we touch them to our faces, we give them to our children (who sometimes put them in our mouths), and we let them get extremely dirty.
For something that can be such a valuable tool, we shouldn’t let it become a danger to our health.

How can you disinfect your phone?
Using PhoneSoap you can kill 99.99% of bacteria in just 10 minutes.* You stick your phone, with the case on, into the PhoneSoap unit, and using powerful UV-C lights, the bacteria are banished and your phone disinfected. UV-C light is chemical-free and perfectly safe for your phone. One great part about PhoneSoap is that it uses 360-degree disinfection, something many other UV sanitizers do not guarantee. Using quartz plating, every single part of your phone that is touched by UV light is sanitized.
How can you disinfect your phone case?
Don’t worry, a PhoneSoap unit isn’t just for disinfecting your phone. It can also clean your case. We recommend you leave your case on since that’s what you’re touching, not the back of your phone. The UV-C lights won't damage your case as they work to kill the bacteria.

How do I clean my phone from viruses?
PhoneSoap has been laboratory tested against common household bacteria and is proven to kill E. coli, salmonella, staph, MRSA, Influenza A H1N1, and rhinovirus (the common cold). For more information, check out our blog that details all the things UV-C light kills.
What disinfectant wipes are best to use on phones?
Most disinfectant and alcohol wipes are not as effective as you may think. They can often spread bacteria and lack the ability to kill many viruses. For more details and links to studies, check out our blog post we wrote about this topic.
You can still use alcohol wipes but know that they are less effective at killing bacteria than using UV sanitizers like PhoneSoap.

Don’t let your phone get you sick. We want you to enjoy your phones and the many wonderful things they can do. We don’t want them to help spread harmful germs and bacteria to you and your family. Stress less by using PhoneSoap to safely and effectively disinfect your phone.*
Testing was conducted in a laboratory setting on actual phones, Apple watch, headphones, credit cards, and keys with a variety of pathogens, including Salmonella, Staphylococcus, and Coronavirus 229E. Real-world results may vary depending on size, shape, and material of phone or phone case. For more information, click here.